B4work · App de Empleo


B4work is in the top three sources of talent for hundreds of companies and in some cases, is the number one source of talent.
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We don't say it, our customers say it

B4work is very intuitive, well organised and we are finding it to be a good product.

Estefanía Gallego

Talent Acquisition Manager, ADYD Group.
I recommend any company to try B4work, it is streamlining our recruitment processes and is generating more than 20 new hires per year. In addition, we have hired our Marketing Manager thanks to this app.

Aniol Sant Hill

Chief Talent Officer, Between Technology.
B4work is being one of the main sources of talent attraction for AmRest and we are receiving a high volume of candidates, especially for restaurant positions.

María Capilla Fernández

Talent Acquisition Manager, AmRest.
Personally, I'm very happy, I think I'm using it a lot and I find it very useful at the moment for me. Thank you very much!

Sandra Díaz González

Headhunter, Big Fish - Personas & Talento.
Through B4work we have received interesting CVs and have conducted several interviews.

Conchita Borrás

Manager and consultant, Get 21 Online.
All applications are qualified profiles for the needs of the positions we are looking for. We are perceiving more quality and alignment with our culture in the candidates, which allows us to anticipate an improvement in turnover and hiring times.

María Vento

Head of People Operations, Cuyna.